While I was in high school and through my 20's God showed me the scripture from Ezekiel 33:1-9 over and over again. I had little understanding what a Watchman was at all! Over time I've grown to understand this scripture - especially since we moved to IHOP-KC.
God is raising the water level within the church globally regarding seeking His Presence and calling out to Him. Some are called to spread this message throughout His Bride, and/or establish physical places of increased worship and prayer. We see ourselves being engaged in this more fully in this next season. Others are called to stand with those who would do so.
We see God doing more than just raising up Houses of Prayer or Paryer Watches. We see Him drawing His Bride (the Church) into her bridal identity - her Heart being captivated by Him (prayer/devotion) and her robes being made white (purity/holiness). We feel God has prepared us significantly to carry both sides of this message. Obviously we are a work-in-progress - but the last five years have crystalized a lot of what has gone before - worship, devotion, intercession and freedom from old ways and addictions (healing).
A Watchman is someone who has a calling to hear what God is saying to the Church and/or Nation(s)- and to declare it in the Spirit or publicly. Sounds elaborate - but a typical example of such a person was Ezekiel. God specifically called him to humble himself publicly in the face of mockery from his fellow brothers - from people who supposedly knew God. It looks foolish in the eyes of man - to simply stand in the Presence of God (day after day) while all of society is mayhem. Some in the Church have had the same attitude of those of Ezekiel's mockers.
God moved us to Kansas City in 2002/2003. Since being here we have been a part of the ministry of IHOP. We are now moving into a different season....not necessarily completely different but a new phase. In November 2008 we are being pushed out of "the nest". We anticipate we will be journeying to South Africa for at least 18 months. Would you please consider supporting us on this journey to South Africa? We see ourselves as missional intercessors - called to encourage and establish Presence Worship for our God - in the city.
We will be ministering in inner healing and devoting ourselves to daily prayer. God is moving to help us establish a place where we can minister worship and intercession consistently for Stellenbosch, Cape Town, South Africa and Africa.We ask that you consider supporting us in this ministry. We need to make ourselves more fully available to be used of God during our time there - which simply means we need your prayer and financial support. The success or failure of raising financial support will impact the amount of time we can devote to ministry while being there.